Friday First: God's Relentless Pursuit
by Matthew Allen on April 8th, 2022
During April we are learning how Jesus shows us God. Jason Schofield got us started last week with a great lesson out of John 14.9-27. Jason talked about how Jesus demonstrated power under restraint; persistent patience; and exceptional love. What is another aspect in how Jesus shows us the Father?When we see Jesus, we get a first hand look at the Father’s relentless pursuit of the jewel of His cr...  Read More
Friday First - Jesus Changes Everything
by Matthew Allen on March 25th, 2022
This Sunday we’ll skip ahead into His ministry from where we’ve been over the last few weeks. We’ll look at John 5, which identifies a significant moment in his earthly ministry. In fact, it is the event that cascades into His eventual being killed by the religious establishment. Encapsulated in this story is the amazing account of one man’s journey from utter despair and hopelessness to joy beyond measure. This is a man who went from brokenness to being made whole physically and spiritually. For this man, Jesus truly changed everything!  Read More
Friday First - Savior, Messiah, and Lord
by Matthew Allen on March 18th, 2022
By providing you with salvation, Jesus has filled your heart with hope. Last week we went all the way back to the beginning of Luke 2 which details the birth of Christ. This was the monumental moment in history. The word became flesh and dwelt among us, John 1.14. At His birth, angels appeared to shepherds in the middle of the night and proclaimed in verse 11: today, in the city of David, a Savior was born for you, who is the Messiah, the Lord.  Read More
Friday First - The Best News Ever
by Matthew Allen on March 11th, 2022
Jesus came to take away our sin. He came to give us forgiveness. He came to make us clean from the pollution of sin. He came to give us a new heart. He came to rescue us from judgment and the hell to come. This is why people, for over two millennia, have literally dropped everything and surrendered to the transforming power of the gospel of Christ. Truly Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, John 14.6.  Read More
Friday First - The Hope of the World
by Matthew Allen on March 4th, 2022
Christianity is not mere blind superstition. There is more! God’s word reminds us that Jesus, our great King, has all authority, power, and control. We’ll focus on Matthew 12.18-21, which is one of the most beautiful passages in all of Scripture that describes who Jesus is. It tells us why we can be sure of securing our hope when we place our soul in the hands of Jesus.  Read More
Friday First - The Only Way to Life
by Matthew Allen on February 18th, 2022
Every person who has or ever will live will experience resurrection. Some will be raised to judgment and eternal condemnation. Believers will be raised to a resurrection of life. When the body goes to the grave, it will not be the last appearance of that person in visible form.  Read More
Friday First - Zechariah's Song of Salvation (2)
by Matthew Allen on February 11th, 2022
In Zechariah’s song of praise, a.k.a., the Benedictus, we’ll look specifically at Luke 1.76-79. As we consider these verses, we will discover three important points that provide us with rich and immense insight. We’ve received a new heart and the Spirit by the power of Christ. Light has shattered the darkness of our heart. And, despite living in a dark and sinful world, every day we can experience the hope and joy that comes through Christ.  Read More
Get to Know Our New Outreach Minister!
by Matthew Allen on January 27th, 2022
Kody's mission at Cornerstone is to grow in knowledge and spirit as a minister and to help spread the good news of the gospel by fostering relationships and building up the outreach program.  Read More
Friday First - Zechariah's Song of Salvation (1)
by Matthew Allen on January 14th, 2022
Our text on Sunday will focus on Zechariah’s song of praise at the birth of John the Baptist. He understands, via inspiration of the Spirit, that everything is coming to pass. He is literally standing at the pivot point of history. He understands, everything going on … everything happening to him and his family, is the direct fulfillment of everything promised in the Old Testament.  Read More
Friday First - Honoring Our Older Members
by Matthew Allen on January 7th, 2022
While we often focus on our younger families as the key to the future … our older members provide us with needed strength, experience, stability, and wisdom. They make the church a better place … a richer place. On Friday I found some stats that say in the United States in 12 years (2034) those 65+ will outnumber those age 18-below. If these trends come into reality, and our church gains more older members, we need to see it as a blessing. It will be, if our older members walk in the way of righteousness. There is no value in being old if you are not godly.  Read More
Friday First - The Word Became Flesh
by Matthew Allen on December 23rd, 2021
The Word became flesh, John 1.14a. This is the theology of the birth of Christ. Jesus went through the complete human experience: A baby growing in the womb; born as an infant; life as a child and as a young man; and finally life as a man subject to all the realities of created life. He went so far as to die as the perfect sacrifice for sin. If Jesus didn’t come … if Jesus didn’t become flesh … there would be no salvation. There would be no eternal life. There would be no hope.  Read More
Friday First - The True Light
by Matthew Allen on December 17th, 2021
In our lesson on Sunday we’ll move to the next section of John 1 and look at verses 9-13. What does light reveal about itself? In what two ways can we respond to it? What happens to those who receive and believe in the name of Jesus?   Read More




