Walking the Path of Grace: The Intersection of Salvation and Good Works

God, in His infinite wisdom and love, seeks to exhibit the boundless riches of His grace through Jesus for all eternity. Just as true love and grace perpetually seek ways to express itself for the loved one's benefit, so does God’s love for us. Unlike the angry gods often depicted in manmade religions, our God is eager to display His kindness. As stated in Psalm 103:10-14 and Malachi 3:17, we are God's cherished possession, today and forever.

This love from God finds a beautiful expression in Paul's focus on our re-creation in Christ as seen in Ephesians 2:10. The word "For" links back to the concept in 2:8a, emphasizing that salvation is not about human efforts. Paul uses two different words to communicate this idea of a new creation: 'workmanship' and 'created'.

When we consider 'workmanship,' we must understand it signifies the Creator's design or craftsmanship, similar to a potter shaping a jar or a poet composing a verse. Thus, as the NIV version reads, "we are God's handiwork," with NLT even referring to us as God's masterpiece. This is not a future promise; it is a present reality. We, with our imperfections and potential for growth, are God's masterpiece.

Coupled with 'workmanship' is the concept of 'created'. This term is a common reference to God's act of creation. It symbolizes our transformation into a new creation, as seen in 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Ephesians 4:24. We have been remade in the likeness of God, embodying righteousness and holiness.

But why were we created? Ephesians 2:10 provides the answer: for good works. Our actions, borne from grace, become a reflection of God's love and kindness. Paul emphasizes that these good deeds are not prerequisites for salvation but rather the fruits of it. They're not the root but the fruit of the tree of salvation. This notion aligns with John 15:5, where good works aren't an admission requirement but a natural consequence of a close union with Christ.

If our lives lack good works, it may signal a deeper issue: an absence of a meaningful relationship with Jesus. The more we know the Father, the more we reflect Him. Philippians 2:12-13 complements this notion, reminding us that it is God who works within us for His good purpose, effecting change.

It is essential to comprehend our identity, position, and purpose in Christ. We possess hope in eternal life, a glorious inheritance, and power. These abundant blessings are not precarious nor held back; they are manifestations of God's generous nature. The more we grasp our true identity in Christ, the more we can live out our purpose - to bear much fruit, a living testament to God's grace and love.

Matthew Allen

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