Posts with the tag “grace”

Sunday Preview: Your Ultimate Destiny
by Matthew Allen on April 20th, 2024
Have you ever felt like your life stagnated, like you were stuck in a deep rut with no way out? Aimlessness is not only frustrating, but it goes against the fundamental nature of our existence. We are not meant to live devoid of purpose. Indeed, each of us has been created with a destiny in mind—a destiny designed by God, who fills our lives with meaning and direction.At the heart of understanding...  Read More
Acquitted: The Complete Forgiveness of Justification
by Matthew Allen on February 2nd, 2024
if you sometimes wrestle with doubts about your salvation or feel burdened by the weight of past mistakes, cling to the promise of Romans 8.1: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Read More
Sunday Preview: God at Work
by Matthew Allen on January 5th, 2024
Philippians 1.6 holds a wonderful message of assurance and hope. In this passage, we find Paul's unwavering confidence in God's ongoing work in the lives of believers. As we step into the new year, let's delve into the significance of God's work from inception to completion, the vital role of the Holy Spirit in sanctification, and the enduring hope that sustains us in our spiritual life.  Read More
The Cornerstone of Christian Doctrine
by Matthew Allen on January 2nd, 2024
God has empowered you to walk in holiness, guided by His Spirit, motivated by a deep love for our Savior. True faith reveals a living and transformative relationship with the One who justifies, redeems, and sustains us.  Read More
Balancing Faith and Works
by Matthew Allen on December 18th, 2023
Properly managing the tension between grace and faith, belief and obedience, things that define the Christian experience, must be handled with great care and wisdom.  Read More
A Call to Love
by Matthew Allen on November 13th, 2023
In Galatians 6.2, Paul focuses on the responsibility of the local church to share in each other's burdens. Here, he is giving the application of the principle he introduced earlier in Galatians 5:13, emphasizing the importance of serving one another through love.Sharing each other’s burdens primarily pertains to the weight of sin. Sin, with its far-reaching consequences, can create a heavy load. A...  Read More
Sunday Preview: The Sower's Message
by Matthew Allen on November 2nd, 2023
The parable of the Sower, drawing parallels between the types of soil and the condition of our hearts. It is the perfect complement to Paul’s teachings in Colossians. Just as seeds need the right conditions to grow, our heart requires self-examination and humility. By understanding this parable, we can cultivate hearts that are receptive to God's Word, allowing gratitude to take root and flourish.  Read More
Sunday Preview: Lost and Found - The Relentless Pursuit of the Spirit
by Matthew Allen on September 15th, 2023
Where in the world would you find a religion that boasts of such a God? A deity who not only retrieves the lost but also rejoices in their recovery? A God who then welcomes them into eternal communion, deriving joy from their return? This is our God Our Savior. Our Revealer. Our guiding light. Our loving Father.  Read More
Embracing God's Unfailing Love: From Brokenness to Redemption
by Matthew Allen on July 29th, 2023
God's love not only saves broken people but also utilizes them to accomplish His purposes. By doing so, He demonstrates that true power lies in Him, not in human strength.   Read More




