Plan Your Visit
That First Step
We all have new church jitters. Whether you've gone to church your whole life or you've never darkened the doors of a church building, the idea of visiting at a new church can be intimidating. Knowing this, we can assure you that no matter where you've been or what you've been into, there's a place for you at the Cornerstone Church. When you take that first step in faith to visit with us or reach out to us, we will meet you there. Christ said in Matthew 7.7 that if you ask, you'll receive answers, if you seek, you'll find and if you knock, the door will open for you.
The Cornerstone Church is a place where you can seek Jesus alongside others. When you walk into a service , you'll be greeted with smiles and warmth. Someone will meet you at our welcome center and show you around, even sit with you if you'd like. You will see people from every walk of life, each with unique experiences and talents. You will hear fervent songs given to our King, prayers toward Heaven and messages from the Word. Everything that we do is for God and for your upbuilding and encouragement.
The Cornerstone Church is a place where you can seek Jesus alongside others. When you walk into a service , you'll be greeted with smiles and warmth. Someone will meet you at our welcome center and show you around, even sit with you if you'd like. You will see people from every walk of life, each with unique experiences and talents. You will hear fervent songs given to our King, prayers toward Heaven and messages from the Word. Everything that we do is for God and for your upbuilding and encouragement.
Becoming a Christian
Christ is the ultimate center of everything that we do at Cornerstone. In fact, Ephesians 2.20 says that he is the cornerstone on which a strong spiritual life is built. An active and living faith pointed heavenward is the key to following Jesus. That faith is culminated in the act of baptism, where Romans 6 tells us we are joined with Jesus and Acts 22.16 tells us our sins are washed away.
After becoming a Christian, we have Christ working on our behalf an advocate immediately and continually. The Spirit also works within us to bring us back from spiritual death and give us new life. In Christ, there is new joy, peace and purpose. For all those in need of a reset from past mistakes, redemption from former failures and rest from the pain of the world, Christ's sacrifice is available.
After becoming a Christian, we have Christ working on our behalf an advocate immediately and continually. The Spirit also works within us to bring us back from spiritual death and give us new life. In Christ, there is new joy, peace and purpose. For all those in need of a reset from past mistakes, redemption from former failures and rest from the pain of the world, Christ's sacrifice is available.

Serve and Share
Christianity is not meant to be a solo-mission. (Hebrews 10.25) God has given us the church as an oasis to recharge our faith in a world that doesn't always follow God or his way. For the growing believer, placing membership and committing to the life of a local church is vital. The path of a disciple is meant to be walked arm in arm with other believers. We sharpen and strengthen each other by showing each other care and love in service. We work together to build up one another and the kingdom where we are. This is why committing to the life of a church, a group of believers, is so important.
Not only that, but we do all we can to share our faith with others. The mission of every Christian is to pour out God's love and truth wherever we go. This means that whomever we may cross paths with, be they a believer or not, we are always shining the light of Jesus by caring for them as another soul in need of the love of Christ. We do this not as judges, but as messengers hoping to help others to learn what it means to be disciples and kingdom citizens as well. In our congregation, this can happen in a number of ways that all start with connection. We meet together in our Sunday and midweek gatherings, in small groups, and in many other contexts. Dive in, start serving and learning to share your faith with other people!
Not only that, but we do all we can to share our faith with others. The mission of every Christian is to pour out God's love and truth wherever we go. This means that whomever we may cross paths with, be they a believer or not, we are always shining the light of Jesus by caring for them as another soul in need of the love of Christ. We do this not as judges, but as messengers hoping to help others to learn what it means to be disciples and kingdom citizens as well. In our congregation, this can happen in a number of ways that all start with connection. We meet together in our Sunday and midweek gatherings, in small groups, and in many other contexts. Dive in, start serving and learning to share your faith with other people!
Grow in Faith
Growing in grace and knowledge of the truth is the ultimate end of everything that we do together as a church at Cornerstone. This happens through our sermons, our bible classes, our small group studies and all the relationships with other believers that we develop as we press on toward the goal of Heaven together. Christ is the standard that we reach up to, and though we all fall short we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and his amazing love for us. Our spiritual growth is not all on us, God is working alongside us, down the path in front of us and even within our hearts to get us exactly where we need to go. As we grow in Christ, we can expect to become more like him in the way that we love God and love other people.