Friday First - Reflecting the Light
by Matthew Allen on December 10th, 2021
This gospel has been written so that we may believe. Sunday’s sermon will you believe like you never have before.  Read More
What Will They Remember?
by Matthew Allen on December 5th, 2021
My plea for you is to be a Dorcas and address the needs of suffering you encounter. My challenge to you is to be an Abraham or Joshua and start by making sure your family loves God and embraces His ways. The quest I impart to you is simple...consider what you will LEAVE BEHIND.  Read More
Friday First - Victorious Light
by Matthew Allen on December 3rd, 2021
John 1.1-18 declares that the word has become flesh. He has come into a dark world and is the light of the world. The time of guessing and groping is over. Days of doubt and uncertainty are finished. The pathway of darkness has become light and the way has become clear. On Sunday, we will examine John 1.1-5 and discover how light is victorious over darkness and why you can rest your soul on this fact.  Read More
How to Build Compassion in Your Life
by Matthew Allen on November 27th, 2021
We live in a world where we could use more compassion. How can we add to this virtue?  Read More
Friday First - Finish Your Race
by Matthew Allen on November 27th, 2021
The Hebrew writer not only intends for us to see what the life of faith looks like, he intends for us to live it; i.e., to get down out of the seats, onto the arena floor and get in the game, to run the race, with a mindset to win, just like those who have gone on before.  Read More
Friday First - A Look Back
by Matthew Allen on November 19th, 2021
As you reflect over 2021, can you see the providence of God behind this year’s vision plan? Despite the many challenges of the past 21 months, we have endured. We have grown together. We have reached out to God in trust. We have committed ourselves to being good stewards of His tremendous blessings.  Read More
Friday First - Heavenly Citizens
by Matthew Allen on November 12th, 2021
Heaven is what motivates us. We want to see the Savior. We want to hear well done. We want to go to our reward. We want to experience eternal glory. This is the focus of life that is required if we are going to pursue Jesus’ likeness. Since He is a heavenly being, heaven is our place. If we are preoccupied with Him, we are preoccupied with heaven. That means, it really should matter much about what happens here. But, it should matter a whole lot to us about what happens there. Jesus is there. That’s our place.  Read More
The Ultimate Healing
by Matthew Allen on November 12th, 2021
As God’s sons and daughters, we place our faith in the rock-solid promises of God, who is incapable of telling a lie. This is the ultimate healing we are all eagerly awaiting for ... hastening the day of our Lord’s return. O Lord come!  Read More
Full Time Ministry Position Available
by Matthew Allen on November 2nd, 2021
Cornerstone Church of Christ in Centerville, OH is actively looking for a new outreach minister who will equip our members to share their relationship with Christ.  Read More
Friday First - Honoring Christ ...By Life ... or Death
by Matthew Allen on October 29th, 2021
Are we so selflessly committed to Jesus that death has no consequence; attacks by others are meaningless; and troubles and struggles seem light? Our message on Sunday will speak to a very real, deep need in our life. What does life after healing truly mean? From what do we find joy? Will we totally surrender to Christ?  Read More
Fellowship - A Silent Sermon
by Cain Atkinson on October 22nd, 2021
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13.35).As followers of Jesus, we are certainly to be conscious of the way in which we conduct our relationships. One-half of the greatest commandments pertain to our love for our neighbors, and the phrase one another has been recorded over one-hundred times in the pages of the New Testament. There is n...  Read More
Friday First - A Deeper Love
by Matthew Allen on October 22nd, 2021
Paul’s life was one of Spirit-produced joy. He found joy in the pleasant memories of his brethren. He experienced joy by praying on their behalf. He found joy in the fellowship he had with them. He also discovered joy by trusting in God to bring everything He had begun to completion. This is such an exciting perspective and one that we must employ as we serve the Lord.   Read More




