COVID-19 Protocol Update
by Matthew Allen on September 16th, 2020
Thanks to everyone who has made the effort to comply with what we have asked. We are grateful for each and every member of the Cornerstone family. Let's stay safe and do all we can to take care of each other.  Read More
Bow Down to Babylon?
by Cain Atkinson on September 13th, 2020
Let’s do a perspective-taking exercise. You are a young person…let’s say thirteen years old. You have served your God faithfully for your entire young life. One day, the news comes. A foreign nation has swept through and taken your people and is now carting your friends, family and loves ones off to be taken into captivity. They are helpless at the hands of their enemies. Fast forward a few years....  Read More
2020 Men's Retreat Update
by Matthew Allen on September 11th, 2020
This year we will gather November 13-15 at Cowan Lake State Park. We'd love to have you join us! The cost is $100.  Read More
Three Ways to Eliminate Bad Attitudes
by Matthew Allen on September 4th, 2020
Your attitude determines the approach you take in your spiritual life. Some people never reach their full potential because of a poor outlook on life. There are several factors that create this. Regarding this, what does God’s word teach? What are three steps you can take to rid yourself of negative attitudes?  Read More
Build On: What are you made of?
by Cain Atkinson on September 1st, 2020
Hi, everyone. Cain here. Since I’ve been given the privilege of writing the bulletin article for the Sunday before our quarter change I thought this would be an excellent time to advertise my new growth track series that’s coming up in the lecture hall starting Wednesday nights at 7.30 p.m. I figured people may wonder “what is a growth track anyway?” Well, wonder no further.The “Made for More” gro...  Read More
When the Waves Come Crashing
by Cain Atkinson on August 23rd, 2020
It’s overwhelming sometimes. It’s like a tidal wave. Really. It is. What is “it?” Everything! We are living in a fallen world. Life is hard..and though we try to bring heaven to earth the best we can, we can’t escape the brokenness of the world that we’re in. The culture that seems to be sliding away from God. Economic fears. Uncertainty about the future. Personal insecurities in the form of self-...  Read More
Welcome to Cornerstone
by Cain Atkinson on August 16th, 2020
There is nothing like the feeling of finishing the last leg of an uphill hike and staring out onto the view from above. Well, here we are at the top of a hill. We’ve arrived at our new building and we’ve assembled together to “encourage each other as the day draws near.” (Hebrews 10.25) We are coming together to praise God for who He is first—and for the numerous ways that He has blessed us even t...  Read More
What Lies Ahead for Us?
by Cain Atkinson on August 7th, 2020
Well...what lies ahead for us?“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”Th...  Read More
The Devil's Virus
by Cain Atkinson on August 1st, 2020
In 2020, we’ve all learned more about virology (the study of viruses) than we’d ever care to learn about barring these peculiar circumstances. We have been inundated with information and updates regarding the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 on all sides. Annoyed as we may be with all the constant stream of information and updates regarding the coronavirus, we need to be educated and aware so that it d...  Read More
The Battlefield of the Heart
by Matthew Allen on July 24th, 2020
We have to deal with sin on the inside. If we don’t, we’ll never stop it on the outside. Remember, your heart is the source of life, Proverbs 4.23b. Your life is defined by what is going on in your heart.  Read More
In-Person Worship Services in Bellbrook
by Matthew Allen on July 24th, 2020
we'd like to try the in-person option again, so we'll be meeting beginning at 1 pm this Sunday and continuing until we can get into the new building. If you'd like to attend, the place of worship is at 3757 Upper Bellbrook Rd., Sugar Creek Township, 45305. We'd love to see you there.  Read More
We Are One
by Cain Atkinson on July 24th, 2020
In John 17, our King prayed that “we may be one.” Jesus wanted for the body of Christ to be bound and knit together by love. While others are bound together by work relationships, convenience, proximity and other factors—God himself is to be our binding agent. He is the rock on which our faith is built.  Still, these are divisive times. Many of us have been made to struggle in news ways, we’ve bee...  Read More




