Weeds and Wheat

In what has been revealed of Jesus’ teachings, the parable of the sower stands out, echoing God’s boundless eagerness to save. This Sunday, we delve deeper, shifting our gaze from the sower to the seed. What's so powerful about the seed, and how should we, as sowers, interact with the weeds sown by the enemy? On Sunday we’ll explore Jesus’ parable of the weeds, uncovering lessons that are as relevant today as they were two millennia ago.

Our focus begins with Matthew 13:24-30, where Jesus tells the story of a man who sowed good seed in his field, only for his enemy to deviously sow weeds while everyone was asleep. After the weeds grew and matured, the servants wanted to pull out the weeds. But in doing so, the farmer said it would risk damaging the wheat. Jesus’ statement “Let both grow together until the harvest”, sets the stage for our deeper exploration.

The field, representing the world, is where the Son of Man has intentionally planted us – the good seeds, or the children of the kingdom. Contrary to this deliberate act of grace, Satan introduces his own seeds, the children of the evil one. The presence of both wheat and weeds underscores the real-world duality we grapple with daily: the constant battle between good and evil, divine purpose and worldly distractions.

A major takeaway is our role within this struggle. As Jesus elaborates, it’s not our job to weed out the world but to co-exist, allowing God’s plan to unfold. This isn’t an age of judgment but rather an age of grace. John 3:17 resounds this by stating that God’s intention isn’t to condemn but to save. So, as the good seeds, our calling is not to pass judgment but to influence, spread righteousness, and sow seeds of hope and love.

While the parable starkly illustrates the reality of eternal judgment, with weeds being thrown into a blazing furnace, our primary takeaway should be the role we play now. Judgment is God’s domain. Our immediate duty is patience, understanding, and the sowing of good seeds. As the world grapples with challenges, we must stand firm in our faith, knowing that, as promised in Matthew 13:43, the righteous will eventually shine brilliantly in God's kingdom.

So, as we get ready for this Sunday, let’s open our hearts and ears. Are we ready to fully understand and embrace our roles as sowers in this age of grace? Join us as we journey through this parable, gaining new insights and reaffirming our commitment to God’s grand plan.

Before you worship, here are some questions that will prepare you for this lesson:
  1. In this parable, how does Jesus emphasize the importance of patience and discernment when dealing with the challenges presented by the world?
  2. How does the presence of both weeds and wheat in the same field relate to our own experiences in society, where both good and bad influences exist simultaneously?
  3. Reflecting on Matthew 13:37-39, how does understanding our role as the "sowers" in the world impact our approach to evangelism?
  4.  How can Christians embody the "age of grace" mentioned in John 3:17, especially when faced with the temptation to judge or condemn those around them?
  5. What are some things we learn about the last day from this parable?

Those Serving

Kody Pritt
Jason Schofield
Titus Sullivan
Roger Robins
Joel Zehring
Jeff Livingston
Gary Jackson
Billy Robbins

Dave Pennington
Matthew 13.24-30
Matthew Allen
Matt Ringle
Rich Walker
Taylor Robins / Tina Jacobs
Jeremy Price / Paul Braden
Rich Jacobs

Matthew Allen

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