Friday First - Consider One Another
by Matthew Allen on July 22nd, 2022
There may be no better passage to close our series with than the one we will examine Sunday, Hebrews 10.22-25. These verses describe the positive response to the doctrinal teaching of Hebrews 1.1-10.18. We must respond in faith (10.22), hope (10.23), and love (10.24). The majority of our time will be spent focusing on verses 24-25. What does it mean to consider one another? What can we do to provoke or stimulate our brothers and sisters to love and good works?  Read More
Friday First - Growing in Love
by Matthew Allen on July 8th, 2022
On Sunday we will focus on verse 9, which is a prayer for our heart. Here, Paul prays for an active, growing, and dynamic love to be present inside the Christian. Love is the unique bond that ties us together. Inherent in it are faith and hope. It is the surpassing virtue. It is the most essential factor in your life. It is the greatest spiritual commodity you possess.  Read More
Friday First - Walk Worthy
by Matthew Allen on June 17th, 2022
Ephesians 4.1-16 presents us with a comprehensive plan on how the church is to function, grow, and prosper.  Read More
Friday First - Mutual Ministry
by Matthew Allen on June 10th, 2022
Ephesians presents us with a comprehensive plan on how the church is to function, grow, and prosper.  Read More
God Uses the Flawed
by Matthew Allen on June 3rd, 2022
2 Corinthians 4:7Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us.God uses weak people to show his power. God chose to put his glory in clay pots. If you drop a clay pot, it will break—just like you and me. We’re breakable spiritually, physically, and emotionally. If you don’t hide your weaknesses, they will force you to depend upon God. God ...  Read More
Friday First - Christ's Gifts to His Church
by Matthew Allen on June 3rd, 2022
On Sunday, we ‘ll spend the majority of our time in 4.4-7, where Paul tells us where we obtain the resources we need to walk worthily. The resources are found in the gifts that Christ has given us individually, 4.7. And they are also found in the gifts that Christ gives to the church, i.e., evangelists and pastors. Each one of us has been given a gift. Are you using yours? God has given us evangelists and pastors. Do you view them as Paul did … a gift from Christ?  Read More
The Significance of Godly Elders
by Matthew Allen on May 28th, 2022
We are so blessed to have so many men here are willing to step up and serve. Support and encourage them in their work. Give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you, and regard them very highly in love because of their work, 1 Thessalonians 5.12b-13.  Read More
Friday First - The Bread of Life
by Matthew Allen on May 20th, 2022
On Sunday we’ll take a look at John 6 that explains how Jesus is the answer for every spiritual need we have.  Read More
Friday First - Marks of a Growing Church
by Matthew Allen on May 13th, 2022
Over the last two years our church family has been blessed with tremendous growth. People have noticed. They’re wanting to know how we’re doing it. When we are asked, Acts 11.19-30 provides us with the blueprint for growth. What are five marks of a successful, growing congregation?  Read More
Friday First: What Would Jesus Say About Abortion?
by Matthew Allen on May 6th, 2022
So what would Jesus say about abortion? It is true that there are no recorded, specific teachings of Jesus regarding abortion. Does this mean He was not concerned about it? Any assertion that he did not care is just an assumption. John 20.30-31 says there were many things Jesus spoke about that were never recorded. So … is His silence permissive?  Read More
Friday First: Faith That Delights Jesus
by Matthew Allen on April 29th, 2022
Jesus brings us life. As we gather together this Lord’s day, we’ll examine two passages: Matthew 15.21-28 and Mark 7.24-30. Here we see a woman approach Jesus with only one thing on her mind: getting her little daughter help … relief from the continual torment of being demon possessed. Because of this woman’s great faith - her daughter was healed … and Jesus provided the needed deliverance from a\ depressing, never-ending and hopeless state of existence … to life abundant!  Read More
The Culture Wars Rage. How Do We Respond?
by Matthew Allen on April 10th, 2022
What are some best practices on how we navigate any public discourse we choose to participate in?  Read More




