Navigating Generational Gaps
by Matthew Allen on March 17th, 2023
Three or four years ago our son was really caught up in politics. He was very involved in one advocacy group that was pressuring him to travel to Washington D.C. to march to the capital and voice displeasure with some of our political leaders. I was concerned for his safety and urged him not to go. Ultimately he chose not to travel, but not after criticizing me and “my generation” for our lack of ...  Read More
Friday First - Why We Love the Church
by Matthew Allen on March 17th, 2023
How should we regard the church of our Lord? Why should we hold it in high regard? For some, it has become popular to engage in criticism of the church. And by the way, every generation in the church criticizes the other. And while there are perspectives and attitudes that need to change, we need to be very careful. Impressions are being made on young hearts. Let’s hold each other accountable in making the needed changes in a positive and encouraging way.  Read More
Friday First - What is the Church?
by Matthew Allen on March 3rd, 2023
On Sunday we will stress the importance of the church. God built it. Christ established it, and he also died for it. God has rescued us from the oppression, brutality, and slavery of Satan and sin. He is serious about bringing his people near to Him.  Read More
Drawn Together in Fellowship
by Matthew Allen on March 3rd, 2023
Christianity involves your whole life: mental, physical, emotional, and social. Instead of ignoring or talking down the opportunities to be together, we should be encouraging them more and more. Show me a Christian that is strongly connected with other Christians and I'll show you a Christian that is heading toward maturity.  Read More
Asbury. Generation Z. Revival.
by Matthew Allen on February 27th, 2023
Going into last weekend, social media and many internet news outlets have been abuzz over a student led revival on the campus of Asbury University, a Wesleyan affiliated school southwest of Lexington, KY. Beginning on February 8, and continuing through last Sunday, the student led revival featured 24/7 prayer, worship, testimony, confession of sin, Scripture reading, silence, and more. People from...  Read More
Friday First - Delight in the Word
by Matthew Allen on February 17th, 2023
On Sunday we will discuss another key ingredient in how to deepen our spiritual roots by considering the word of God and our meditation on it. One of the best passages that encapsulates this is Psalm 1. Here we see the importance of delighting in the word of God.   Read More
Friday First - Thirst for God
by Matthew Allen on February 3rd, 2023
Over the course of February Kody & I will present some very practical lessons on how to become more established in the faith.  Read More
What Are You Looking For?
by Matthew Allen on February 3rd, 2023
What does it say about a person’s heart when they assume the worst? Does it reflect sinful attitudes of jealousy, anger, slander, bitterness, rivalry, and hostility?  Read More
Friday First - Persistent in Prayer
by Matthew Allen on January 27th, 2023
This seems like such a challenge anymore. We are all so busy … and prayer can be one of the first things that slip away from us. We need to be intentional about scheduling God in. He is our lifeline. He is our strength. He is our Father. We need to let Him in on our life. Deeply rooted Christians are connected to God.  Read More
Time Change for Wednesday pm Services
by Matthew Allen on January 27th, 2023
Effective February 1, 2023, our Wednesday evening service will meet at 7 pm. Please be sure to update your calendar! This is a permanent change!...  Read More
Friday First - Following Great Christians
by Matthew Allen on January 20th, 2023
Our associations matter. Our matter of first preference should be to spend as much time as we can with other Christians. We need spiritual mentors and heroes in our life. That is, people who by proven decades of service and stability in Christ demonstrate themselves as someone whose faith should be followed. These are those that, when we get to be their age, we hope to possess some of their character traits and dispositions.  Read More
Friday First - Confident in Our Faith
by Matthew Allen on January 13th, 2023
Well rooted Christians are confident. Living with constant feelings of guilt does not inspire confidence. Some Christians feel like they are the kid in the principal’s office. Discouragement and doubt are fostered at every failure. This is no way to live. God has called on us to trust in His promises, assurances, and encouragement. The Father, Son, and the Spirit are all working hard to get you to heaven.  Read More




