Friday First - Following Great Christians
by Matthew Allen on January 20th, 2023
Our associations matter. Our matter of first preference should be to spend as much time as we can with other Christians. We need spiritual mentors and heroes in our life. That is, people who by proven decades of service and stability in Christ demonstrate themselves as someone whose faith should be followed. These are those that, when we get to be their age, we hope to possess some of their character traits and dispositions.  Read More
Friday First - Confident in Our Faith
by Matthew Allen on January 13th, 2023
Well rooted Christians are confident. Living with constant feelings of guilt does not inspire confidence. Some Christians feel like they are the kid in the principal’s office. Discouragement and doubt are fostered at every failure. This is no way to live. God has called on us to trust in His promises, assurances, and encouragement. The Father, Son, and the Spirit are all working hard to get you to heaven.  Read More
How to Strengthen Your Bible Study
by Matthew Allen on January 8th, 2023
How did you do last week on following through on any new resolutions you made? If you've already "fallen off the wagon," hop back on and try again! The key to success is never giving up. Keep on moving forward and toward your personal goals. Progress is never made by remaining in a stationary position. So, get going! What about your personal Bible study and prayer routine? Do you find it hard to maintain consistency?  Read More
Friday First - Great Thoughts
by Matthew Allen on January 7th, 2023
Spiritual maturity is a matter we need to take seriously. There is no more important thing. How much of an emphasis are you placing on spiritual strength? Are you allowing God to root you as deeply as possible into Christ, who is your life source? To succeed you will need to intentionally schedule regular, intentional activity for the purpose of spiritual enrichment and becoming more like Christ.  Read More
Friday First - Building Great Habits
by Matthew Allen on December 30th, 2022
What makes a great Christian? A strong Christian? Many might define it as daily dedication that can be seen in the home, at work, in the congregation … everywhere. It’s a wonderful concept … one that we need to be working on. We need to aim for stability, be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong, and do everything in love. To get there means we’ll have to build good habits.  Read More
Why Did He Come?
by Matthew Allen on December 25th, 2022
Holidays like this are a great opportunity to share Christ, why He came, and the hope He provides.  Read More
Friday First - What God Desires
by Matthew Allen on December 16th, 2022
Theirs is not the only generation to go through the motions. We may have all the mechanics of worship worked out, but what about our heart? Does our relationship and desire for Christ extend beyond the four walls of our church building?  Read More
Friday First - Established in the Faith
by Matthew Allen on December 9th, 2022
Our lives need to be characterized by strong hearts, loving unity, and a settled understanding of the Word. This will happen as we walk in Him, having been rooted, built up, and established in the faith. This leads to overflowing gratitude!  Read More
Friday First - Reconciled
by Matthew Allen on December 3rd, 2022
The one who trusts in the Lord is blessed. He will continue to bear fruit even during the difficult times of life. This is who we need to desire to be. A person who stands firm in a twisted world. This is why we are focusing this year on being rooted in Christ. We want to learn how to stand firm as everything around us is influencing and affecting our lives and the lives of those we love. Let’s co...  Read More
Friday First - A Life Well Lived 2
by Matthew Allen on November 25th, 2022
There is no better passage to illustrate the way we want to encounter Jesus when this life is over. There is no passage that better describes a life well lived. On Sunday, we’ll continue our deep dive into verses 7-8.  Read More
When We All Get to Heaven
by Matthew Allen on November 19th, 2022
John sees the glory of heaven, the presence of Jesus, the glory of the new creation, but then like a drumbeat you have this repeated statement of what will not be there: No death; no mourning. No sins to confess; no temptations to overcome. No sickness to suffer; no pain to endure. No crosses to carry; no fears to face.   Read More
Friday First - A Life Well Lived 1
by Matthew Allen on November 18th, 2022
Some day the only thing we’ll have left to do is just that fixing our eyes on Him as we cross over into the life to come. Some day … all you will have is your faith. This is what Christianity prepares us for … a glorious entry into the glory and presence of our Lord. This is what its all about .... learning to live your life now in the way that brings you to the place where when the end approaches you experience the same sense of triumph and victory.  Read More




