The Focused Mission of the Early Church
by Matthew Allen on September 12th, 2023
The church at Antioch, with its growth, outreach, worship, inclusion, discipleship, and service, is a beacon for churches all over. It beckons us to mold ourselves in its likeness, making Jesus the cornerstone, reaching out selflessly, and being catalysts for divine transformation in the world.  Read More
Sunday Preview: The Saving God
by Matthew Allen on September 8th, 2023
In the Parable of the Lost Sheep a shepherd, from among the humblest of society, loses one sheep out of a hundred, he leaves the ninety-nine and tirelessly searches for the lost one. Once found, he joyfully carries the sheep back home. This shepherd's dedication is seen in Jesus, our seeking Savior, who carries us through life's rough patches, always eager to bring us back into the fold.  Read More
Sunday Preview: From Seed to Harvest
by Matthew Allen on September 2nd, 2023
Contrary to what we most often hear, this parable centers not on humanity but on God. This is a depiction of a God whose grace, love, and mercy are unbounded, who is indiscriminate in where His seeds—His messages of love and hope—fall. God's perspective doesn’t segregate the world into good or bad soil. Every heart, every condition, is worthy of His love.   Read More
Friday First: Parenting on Purpose
by Matthew Allen on August 19th, 2023
Children need to be taught respect and obedience and they need to be disciplined for disobedience and disrespect. All of this is in the context of a home that is under the control of parents who continually make the dominating influence of that home the word of God. A home where a biblical worldview is stressed … life viewed through the eyes of Scripture.  Read More
Shaping Hearts: Guiding Your Children Toward God
by Matthew Allen on August 11th, 2023
Both parents and children need to embrace their roles wholeheartedly, recognizing that obedience is rooted in respect for God's authority. By equipping families with biblical wisdom and practical tools for effective parenting and submission, there is hope for future generations to thrive amidst the challenges of a rapidly changing world.  Read More
Unity in the Early Church: The Power of One Heart and Soul
by Matthew Allen on August 9th, 2023
What does it mean to be of "one heart and one soul"? It's not just about practicing the same doctrines or simply avoiding conflict. While the absence of disagreement is vital, true unity goes beyond surface-level peace, which can sometimes be mistaken for apathy or stagnation. A genuinely unified church vibrantly moves forward, embodying a collective spirit and purpose.  Read More
Embracing God's Unfailing Love: From Brokenness to Redemption
by Matthew Allen on July 29th, 2023
God's love not only saves broken people but also utilizes them to accomplish His purposes. By doing so, He demonstrates that true power lies in Him, not in human strength.   Read More
Friday First: When It Doesn't Work Out
by Matthew Allen on July 28th, 2023
Sin disrupts all aspects of our lives, but in Christ, we are united as one family, supporting and caring for each other. Regardless of our individual journeys, we find solace in being connected through our faith in Christ. As we move forward, let us embrace God's plan for our lives, find healing in His love, and trust in His faithfulness.  Read More
Trust and Obey: The Sacrificial Faith of Hebrews 11
by Matthew Allen on July 23rd, 2023
Hebrews 11 demonstrates the profound power and purpose of faith in the lives of believers. As we reflect on the examples of faith, we are encouraged to stand firm in our convictions and depend on God's promises. Our faith emboldens us to stand up for truth and make sacrifices to please God. Let us remember that God will reward abundantly all that we sacrifice for Him. May we strive to emulate the faith of those in Hebrews 11, finding inspiration and strength to walk with Jesus and live a life overflowing with gratitude for His love and faithfulness.   Read More
Friday First: Embracing God's Calling for Husbands
by Matthew Allen on July 22nd, 2023
a husband is encouraged to love his wife completely, as he loves himself. This oneness is underlined in Ephesians 5:31. The last verse in the chapter calls for husbands to out-serve their wife and lead in a way that aligns with God's calling for husbands. It underscores the need to prioritize the marriage covenant, for God himself is highly invested in it.  Read More
Restoring Unity: Rediscovering our Essential Bond in Christ
by Matthew Allen on July 20th, 2023
Our study and reflection on these principles will equip us to stand as beacons of unity in a divided world. Just as Jesus prayed for the unity of believers, may we, too, be one, reflecting the love and unity found in the Father and the Son, so that the world may witness the transformative power of our faith.  Read More
Are You Really Listening?
by Matthew Allen on July 14th, 2023
Mary's ultimate act of worship came from her ability to listen attentively. By listening, we can worship more deeply and be used by God in powerful ways. To truly listen, we must humble ourselves, acknowledging that we don't know everything, and pay attention to both the words spoken and the meaning behind them. In a world where many hear but few truly listen, we are challenged to examine our own listening habits and ask ourselves, "Are we truly listening?"  Read More




