Sunday Preview: Good Soil
by Matthew Allen on November 24th, 2023
Fruitfulness is the ultimate point of having good soil. It is the evidence of the divine life within us. This fruit can be seen in our attitude, righteous behavior, and soul-winning efforts. The fruit of the Spirit, as described in Galatians 5:22-23, includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It is through bearing fruit in every good work that we display our faith in action. Read More
A Call to Love
by Matthew Allen on November 13th, 2023
In Galatians 6.2, Paul focuses on the responsibility of the local church to share in each other's burdens. Here, he is giving the application of the principle he introduced earlier in Galatians 5:13, emphasizing the importance of serving one another through love.Sharing each other’s burdens primarily pertains to the weight of sin. Sin, with its far-reaching consequences, can create a heavy load. A... Read More
Sunday Preview: Rocky Soil
by Matthew Allen on November 11th, 2023
Counting the cost of discipleship is essential, as Luke 14:26-27 and Luke 14:33 emphasize. Pressure, as mentioned in Matthew 13.21, comes into play when life events force us to make choices. The depth of our faith will significantly impact the outcomes of these choices. Pressure isn't entirely negative, as James 1:2-4 and James 1:12 illustrate. Testing our faith can lead to endurance, maturity, and a crown of life. Read More
Sunday Preview: The Sower's Message
by Matthew Allen on November 2nd, 2023
The parable of the Sower, drawing parallels between the types of soil and the condition of our hearts. It is the perfect complement to Paul’s teachings in Colossians. Just as seeds need the right conditions to grow, our heart requires self-examination and humility. By understanding this parable, we can cultivate hearts that are receptive to God's Word, allowing gratitude to take root and flourish. Read More
God is Faithful
by Matthew Allen on October 30th, 2023
Remember, if God is concerned with birds, flowers, and grass, Matthew 6.25-34, He most certainly is concerned about you. He is so concerned about you that He knows the number of hairs on your head, Matthew 10.20. Read More
Outreach in the Digital Age
by Matthew Allen on October 21st, 2023
We need to remember that people often make their first impression of a congregation by the quality of the online content that is put out. It has to be professional, modern, and fresh. Didn’t Paul communicate this principle in Colossians 3.23? We need a high standard of excellence in our online outreach, because ultimately, we are representing the Lord. Read More
Sunday Preview: The Power of the Word
by Matthew Allen on October 20th, 2023
We’ll focus on two main things in this lesson. First, we’ll learn how the word contains power … the power to save. Over and over again the words of both Testaments testify to its life changing power to bring salvation and help with personal transformation. Jesus said the one who hears His word and believes in Him will be saved, John 5.24. The Law of the Lord is perfect. It restores the soul. The scriptures have power because they are inspired, 2 Timothy 3.16a. Read More
Valuing Your Connection to the Local Church
by Matthew Allen on October 16th, 2023
A good connection to the church matters little if I am not where I need to be in my relationship with Christ. A strong relationship with Christ equals a strong relationship with the church as the two things go hand in hand. Likewise, a poor relationship with Christ equals a detached reality with the church. The claim so many are making today that I can have Christ without the church is blatantly false and leads to utter spiritual ruin. You cannot have Christ and not be a part of the church. Read More
Be Diligent to be Approved by God
by Matthew Allen on October 9th, 2023
For it is in this devout adherence to God's Word that we find their true north, a compass guiding them toward eternal approval. In the end, the reward for such faithfulness is not just the fleeting praises of man, but the eternal commendation from Christ Himself, beckoning the faithful home with the words, Well done, good and faithful servant, Matthew 25.21. Read More
Weeds and Wheat
by Matthew Allen on October 7th, 2023
In what has been revealed of Jesus’ teachings, the parable of the sower stands out, echoing God’s boundless eagerness to save. This Sunday, we delve deeper, shifting our gaze from the sower to the seed. What's so powerful about the seed, and how should we, as sowers, interact with the weeds sown by the enemy? On Sunday we’ll explore Jesus’ parable of the weeds, uncovering lessons that are as relev... Read More
The Profound Joy of Heaven
by Matthew Allen on September 20th, 2023
While the fullness of heavenly joy awaits us in the life to come, we don't have to wait till then to start experiencing joy. Let's embrace the joy that life offers through our relationship with God, knowing it is but a mere foretaste of the overwhelming joy that awaits us. So, the next time you feel joy, cherish it, nurture it, and share it, for in that emotion, you catch a true glimpse of heaven. Read More
Sunday Preview: Lost and Found - The Relentless Pursuit of the Spirit
by Matthew Allen on September 15th, 2023
Where in the world would you find a religion that boasts of such a God? A deity who not only retrieves the lost but also rejoices in their recovery? A God who then welcomes them into eternal communion, deriving joy from their return? This is our God Our Savior. Our Revealer. Our guiding light. Our loving Father. Read More
Salvation is a Matter of the HeartConflict Resolution In RelationshipsFriday First: How to Build an Enduring MarriageAre You Really Listening?Friday First: Embracing God's Calling for WivesRestoring Unity: Rediscovering our Essential Bond in ChristFriday First: Embracing God's Calling for HusbandsTrust and Obey: The Sacrificial Faith of Hebrews 11Friday First: When It Doesn't Work OutEmbracing God's Unfailing Love: From Brokenness to Redemption