Friday First: Let God Reign
by Matthew Allen on February 6th, 2021
We must remind ourselves that God is at work. He is in control. He is working in unimaginable ways. We need to get out of the way and remember it is not about us … we need to let God work.  Read More
Praise Culture
by Cain Atkinson on February 5th, 2021
"But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you." - 1 Corinthians 14.24-25In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul gives instructions for first century worship that helps unbelievers to see the awesomeness of our God....  Read More
Friday First - It\'s All About the Gospel
by Cain Atkinson on January 29th, 2021
This has been a whirlwind of a year and January has not been any different. Bad news, controversy and uncertainty hasn't been in short supply. If you want to find good news, sometimes you have to go digging. Good news isn't always sensational and divisive... in fact, sometimes it has amazing power to bring us together.That's why just like Paul in Romans 1.16-17 we do not have to be ashamed of the ...  Read More
Great Privileges Bring Serious Responsibility
by Matthew Allen on January 29th, 2021
As a son or daughter of God you enjoy the finest spiritual privileges God has yet revealed. But, this brings great responsibility. Are you taking your spiritual life seriously?  Read More
We Need Some Peacemakers
by Cain Atkinson on January 22nd, 2021
“Blessed are the peacemakers,” said Jesus in Matthew 5.9. I think it’s safe to say we all could use some more peace lately. We have been going through a long and grueling road full of consternation, dissensions, division, and tension. Riots have now broken out as a result of both far-left and far-right ideologies in this country. All of these episodes of dissent and violence preach loudly that man...  Read More
Friday First - Creating a Place to Heal
by Matthew Allen on January 22nd, 2021
Page 2 of our Vision Plan contains three objectives on how to create a place to heal. We have been encouraged to see the amazing blessings we have in Christ. We have been challenged to serve by effectively providing help to those who struggle. And finally, we must share Jesus and the peace He brings. Did you catch the action words? We are to see, serve, and share. This is how we create a place of healing.  Read More
Friday First - Honoring Our Deacons
by Matthew Allen on January 16th, 2021
The office of deacon is much more than a glorified title with little or no work to do. 1 Timothy 3.13 teaches that deacons are servants of the church who should be honored and appreciated. Through their service, deacons can gain significant influence and honor in the church. In fact, they have the potential, by God’s power, to become a spiritual powerhouse for God.  Read More
Friday First - The Answer is not Within Us
by Matthew Allen on January 8th, 2021
So what is going on in our nation? What is causing everything? Where can we go for refuge? These are the questions we’ll try to answer as we come together on Sunday.  Read More
Time to Shine
by Cain Atkinson on January 8th, 2021
We all had hoped 2020 would be the end of a succession of dark days, but 2021 has begun with a dark shadow of violence cast over it. The events at the capitol were unlike anything many of us have ever seen. Many, regardless of political affiliation are shaken deeply by the events that have taken place. It was a dark day.Surely though Christ continues to reign and will reign forever and ever. His p...  Read More
Friday First - Its Not About our Greatness
by Matthew Allen on January 1st, 2021
We respond to God with self denial (12.1-2); self surrender (12.3); and selfless service (12.4-8). Selfless service and godly attitudes toward others is the proper response to the gospel. This is what it takes to develop a place to heal.   Read More
Friday First - On Saturday...
by Matthew Allen on December 26th, 2020
On Sunday we will seek to look at how God is working inside your life every single day … again, for the purpose of getting you home to be with Him throughout eternity.  Read More
Fit Together for a Reason
by Cain Atkinson on December 22nd, 2020
Brought Together For a Reason“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” 1 Corinthians 12.27Through the month of December, we are seeing God working through his providence as a grand problem solver, placing the pieces on a puzzle board. Each piece fitting perfectly, exactly in the place it’s meant to be to complete the grand picture of complete redemption in the absolute victo...  Read More




