The Devil's Virus

In 2020, we’ve all learned more about virology (the study of viruses) than we’d ever care to learn about barring these peculiar circumstances. We have been inundated with information and updates regarding the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 on all sides. Annoyed as we may be with all the constant stream of information and updates regarding the coronavirus, we need to be educated and aware so that it doesn’t do irreparable damage. During this process I’ve learned a bit about viruses. For example. did you know that viruses are not living beings like a bacteria that might infect someone? No, viruses have no life in and of themselves. As such, they have to attach themselves onto a living cell in order to spread and destroy their subject. They hijack living cells and in so doing often times cause massive damage to the life they are attached to. 

The devil operates in a similar way. He is as good as dead, already. He has given himself over totally to rebellion, and he is already perishing. Jesus has sealed our victory on the cross. Still, Satan seeks to attach himself to beings that do have life, such as the reader of this article, in order to advance his cause and infect the kingdom of God with one end in mind—destruction. 

“Now you are the body of Christ…” (1 Corinthians 12.27.) Satan can’t do a thing to the kingdom of God…unless we let him. Right now, we at the Cornerstone Church of Christ are thriving despite the various outside attacks Satan is throwing at us. Many of us are struggling in new ways but overall, the church at Cornerstone is continuing to grow in number and in faith, despite the pandemic and the tense cultural climate. The suffering is not causing us to shrink back, and waver but rather causing us to rise to new heights of faith. 

How do you think Satan likes that? Not at all. As we turn the corner, he’ll look to pounce. Just like a virus, he’ll seek to hijack the living parts of the body so as to bring about damage and even death. Let’s not mince words here. He wants to hijack you, Christian. He wants to attach to you and use you to sow “enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions and envy,” (Galatians 5.20-21) in your church family. Let’s guard our hearts during this awkward time of transition and give each other grace upon grace. Let’s give each other time to adjust and re orient through all the changes that are on the horizon. We’ve been so richly blessed. The devil is not invited here. 

Cain Atkinson

1 Comment

Dagi - June 6th, 2024 at 12:57am

I'm a students , I was reading virus when Ithough this ideas and I Got your point literally then I just though to search abt it and I am very amazed because I got a big lesson.

nPraise God




