Friday First: Embracing God's Calling for Wives
by Matthew Allen on July 14th, 2023
Marriage should be bathed in humility, unselfishness, and self-denial. The general spirit of all relationships should be the one of submission. Beginning in Ephesians 5.22, Paul focuses on wives as the first example. Then he will address husbands, children, and parents. The entire section from 5.22-6.4 serves as an illustration of the principle in 5.21. We don’t do this passage justice if we think submission is only for wives. Christian men and women are driven by the example of Jesus Christ, who selflessly placed the needs of others ahead of himself.  Read More
Conflict Resolution In Relationships
by Kody Pritt on July 7th, 2023
Conflict Resolution In RelationshipsBecause of the fallen nature of man, marriage conflict is a fact of life, even for believers in Christ. Loving communication doesn’t come naturally or easily to anyone. For unbelievers, remedy for conflicts is difficult because without Christ humans do not have the capacity for unselfish love (Ephesians 4:22-32). Christians, however, have the Bible for instructi...  Read More
Friday First: How to Build an Enduring Marriage
by Matthew Allen on July 7th, 2023
The concept of a successful family in 1950 looks different from a successful marriage of today. We can’t turn back the clock. Everyone lives in the age, time, and situation of now. So how can we make headway in saving the family? We need to be equipping one another in the how-to’s of of what it takes to keep a marriage thriving day in and day out. We need to be learning about how to resolve conflict, creating and sustaining healthy love, how to be financially responsible, and much more. Many of these issues are inherent in the reasons as to why marriages crumble. It should be our goal to equip believers with basic skills and understandings necessary for a successful relationship.  Read More
Salvation is a Matter of the Heart
by Matthew Allen on July 2nd, 2023
The God of the universe loved us enough to do everything possible for us to spend eternity with Him. It is so much more than obedience to a system of doctrine; it is about you and God together for all of eternity! It is about our heart being given over to God. Do you realize the magnitude of your salvation?  Read More
Friday First: Four Basics for Family Relationships
by Matthew Allen on June 30th, 2023
Family life is where you live out your Christianity. It is the environment where your spiritual strength, devotion, and consistency are revealed… and demanded. The home is the truest test of your spiritual life. Your family is the one you are together with, seeing you in every possible circumstance, in every trial and difficulty, in your relaxed moments… they see the real you… not the image you portray in public/social life. They will see more than anyone, the width and breath of any inconsistency and whether there is any hypocrisy present in your life. And they will also see your heart and your commitment and your trust in Jesus as you grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.  Read More
When Storms Come to Your Marriage
by Matthew Allen on June 27th, 2023
dentifying the underpinning factors contributing to such high divorce rates, we often find an alarming lack of preparedness for the inevitable marital storms. These storms, paralleling the metaphor of Matthew 7:24-25, impact various aspects of our lives, including health, career, finance, and family. They emphasize the importance of a solid foundation—grounded in God's guidance—for any marriage.  Read More
Walking the Path of Grace: The Intersection of Salvation and Good Works
by Matthew Allen on June 24th, 2023
Why were you created? Ephesians 2:10 provides the answer: for good works. Your actions, borne from grace, become a reflection of God's love and kindness. Paul emphasizes that these good deeds are not prerequisites for salvation but rather the fruits of it.   Read More
Friday First: The Biblical Foundation for Manhood
by Matthew Allen on June 16th, 2023
Because Americans have largely abandoned moral and creational norms … men especially have lost their purpose. What are men for? Why have they been created? What is your mission in life as a man? Secularism has no answers for these questions. Having taken away the Biblically based worldview and standard of morality, secularism has led to a dangerous concoction of a dearth of purpose and low expectations. This is leading many men down a path that leads to self-destruction … and the destruction of others that intersect with their life, usually women and children. We have to do better. How do we defy the status quo?  Read More
Friday First: Dealing with an Imperfect Family
by Matthew Allen on June 9th, 2023
Imperfect families have always been around. We can underestimate the impact our families can have on our outlook on life. Many of us have experienced all sorts of painful problems in the past that we still deal with today. How can we over come the problems created by an imperfect family?  Read More
Friday First: God's Plan for the Home
by Matthew Allen on June 2nd, 2023
This series is important for everyone in the church. Even if you are single, an empty nester, divorced, or widowed, you are valued and important to this church family … you have a place in it. You, by your experiences can help others … pointing the way to Christ-like living no matter the circumstances in which you dwell.  Read More
Friday First: Cutting Out the Secret Sin in Our Lives
by Matthew Allen on May 26th, 2023
Society is paralyzed in the grip of sexual sin. Glamorized on television. Explicitly shown all over the internet. It’s on the screen in your pocket, your tablet, or laptop. The problem shows no hint of slowing down. It’s impacting not just the world, but Christians at every turn. Whether you struggle with this personally or not, it impacts you in ways you don’t eve realize. The costs to society ar...  Read More
Friday First: Godly Thoughts
by Matthew Allen on May 12th, 2023
This week’s lesson comes from Philippians 4.8. It is really the high point of the passage. Here Paul urges us to focus on godly virtues. Spiritual stability is the result of how you think. We must shift our thoughts away from the things of the world. We must dwell or “think” on godly things because we are each a product of our thinking.   Read More




