Friday First - He's Right Here
by Cain Atkinson on May 14th, 2021
Do you ever feel like God's presence is far from you? We all do, at times, especially in a trying and confusing world. God is not too far away, though. His arms are long enough to reach us wherever we are.There is nowhere his eyes can't see us. "He will not leave us as orphans."Last week, Matt brought us through John 14.7-14. In that text, Jesus prepared his disciples for the greater things that w...  Read More
Friday First - He Prepares Us for Greater Things
by Matthew Allen on May 7th, 2021
John 14 is the perfect chapter as we discuss the complete devotion Jesus has in calming our fears. We learn this in discovering how He dealt with the circumstances descending upon the 11 in the hours leading up to His arrest, trial, and execution. Today we’ll focus on 14.7-14. Here we learn of three more assurances Jesus provides to His disciples … and ultimately to us … as they cope with great fear, uncertainty, and inward anxiety.  Read More
Relational Discipleship and Mental Health
by Pat Reeder on April 30th, 2021
Relational Discipleship and Mental Health Since Genesis 3, we have experienced the shockwaves of a fallen world. The God of order, peace and perfection has been uninvited, and so the universe is “cracked.” What fills in those cracks are the result from the cosmic rupture in the fall. Through no fault of our own, many of us are born with various maladies or disorders. Do I understand how all this w...  Read More
Friday First - He Comforts Troubled Hearts
by Matthew Allen on April 30th, 2021
John 14 is not simply a feel-good story. It is not just the relating of historical data. It is given to us with the intention to speak to and sustain our own faith in Jesus Christ. Just as He sought to bring the 11 comfort and peace, so He will for us today. By His power, we can experience comfort in the midst of dire circumstances. Will we trust in Him?  Read More
Three Signs Your Spiritual Life May Be Beginning to Slip
by Matthew Allen on April 23rd, 2021
What are three signs to look for if you feel your spiritual life is starting to wane?  Read More
Friday First - He's a Promise Keeper
by Cain Atkinson on April 23rd, 2021
Friday First - He's a Promise KeeperTrust issues and commitment issues abound in a world of broken promises. Sometimes we even doubt if God will Can we trust that God's promises are true? Will he be here with us, in our midst? Will he build us up from the ashes time and time again? Will he draw others to himself through us?Our lives will be transformed and we will be able to live different in Chri...  Read More
Friday First - He Leads With Mercy
by Matthew Allen on April 16th, 2021
During April we are looking at how Jesus saves our life. The story we’ll examine Sunday out of John 8 is a perfect illustration. A woman caught in the act of adultery was brought to Him. Certainly, Jesus saved the woman’s life that day. What does Jesus’ interaction with her teach us? How does this connect to our associating Cornerstone as a place to heal?  Read More
Vision, Intention and Means
by Cain Atkinson on April 16th, 2021
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”Romans 12.1-2Christ-likeness is the end-all be-all ...  Read More
Friday First - Adorning the Spirit
by Matthew Allen on April 9th, 2021
Paul spoke, in Galatians 2.20, about surrendering to Christ. What does that mean in everyday life? The answer is found in Galatians 5.16, where the natural result of surrender is walking by the Spirit. When we walk by the Spirit our attitude will be transformed. We’ll fight against the desires of the flesh, 5.16b-17. We’ll be freed from the condemnation of the law, 5.18. We’ll reject the lusts of ...  Read More
What is the Church For
by Cain Atkinson on April 9th, 2021
Does the church matter? If so, what for? Acts 20.28 tells us that Jesus purchased the church with his own blood. What is that church though? What makes Jesus’ church what it is?Well, we know the church is Christ’s ekklesia, or his called out ones. The church is composed of people who have been redeemed and are being rebuilt each day into the glorious image of the Son, the head of the church. (Colo...  Read More
Friday First - He Gives Us a Reason
by Matthew Allen on April 2nd, 2021
A few months ago I visited an Arkansas cemetery. At the back part were graves going back before statehood, almost 200 years ago. Some of the headstones were completely bare as the toll of weather and time had taken its price. As my mom and I walked around I wondered about who they were, their families, what brought them to the edge of Indian Territory, and how they died. Today, there is no one ali...  Read More
Stop Drowning First
by Cain Atkinson on April 2nd, 2021
The disciple Peter had a massive gut check on the Sea of Galilee. After having ministered to a large crowd and fed thousands, Jesus sent the disciples away to take their ship to dock at the western shore of the sea of Galilee on the “other side.” Christ had stayed back by himself to pray in isolation. A storm came to the disciples as they crossed the sea. The waves that once were calm waters rocke...  Read More




