Understanding Cornerstone's Communication Platforms

We've had a whirlwind of a 4 months since moving into our new building. For the three of us who work in the office, we spent several months working out of temporary quarters, with the majority of our things hidden away in boxes. Since we've moved into the administrative offices in the parsonage across from the building, Cain, Pat, and & I have had good success in settling in. We're not there completely, but we can see a day when we will have all the boxes unpacked, files loaded in the file cabinets, and pictures hung on the walls.
One of the things we've been working on is how we communicate with you. We want to do this effectively as we can. We want you to remember that when you see the same news item in a variety of places, it may seem redundant, but since different people use different platforms, we are working to get the information out to the greatest number of people.

Going forward here is how we will get information out to the congregation.

Congregational News

Church Bulletin

Please pick up your copy of the church bulletin each week as you walk in the entryway. It will have current information for that Sunday and notes on things that are upcoming. You can also access the bulletin online inside our member's area of the website, My Cornerstone. All instances of the bulletin being available online with full public access have been removed. The My Cornerstone area is password protected for the privacy of our members. Please see Pat Reeder or Matthew Allen for the password.

Sunday Annoucements

After each Sunday service, one of our elders will close with a few announcements. We are streamlining this as much as possible and want to direct you to the bulletin for most of the news that's coming out. However, if you have an urgent item you want announced after the Sunday service, please see the elder that is on the duty schedule during the month to get your item included.

Monday Church News Update

Each Monday, Pat will also be updating a secured page on the website with additional news that was announced at the Sunday worship service. This feature is great if you missed Sunday and want to catch up on what's happening.

Access this under the My Cornerstone tab on the website.

Urgent Congregational News / Elder Announcements

Email & One Call

Going forward, email and the one call will be reserved only for major congregational announcements and news. This will include death announcements, changes in worship/service schedule due to inclement weather, covid-19, etc.

The elders may also use email to address the congregation on other matters of interests, etc. Day to day information will not be given out on these channels.

Duty Roster Annoucements

Every week on Thursday those of you who are down to serve for the upcoming Sunday worship should receive an email (and text message coming soon) to remind you about your role in the service. This is an auto-generated email. It has an option for you to confirm you will be serving. As always, if you cannot serve, please respond to the email and let us know you can't serve.... and/or call Jim Grushon.

On Monday, those of you who serve on Wednesday evening will also receive an email (and text message coming soon) to remind you about your role in that service.

If you are not receiving these emails, please check your spam folder ... or see us to see if we have your correct email address.

Public Announcements

Web Blog

Congregational news that is not sensitive in nature will be announced on our website blog. You can access the blog through our main website ... or on the app.

Facebook Page: Cornerstone Church of Christ @cornerstonechurchcenterville

Our public Facebook page, Cornerstone Church of Christ, is full of public announcements regarding the work here. We will not place any private member news on this site. It is reserved to get the word out about our livestream, invites to worship, and announcements for bible classes, special events, etc. 

Twitter (@cornerstonecoc)

Although it is not heavily used, we still have a presence on Twitter. Our Twitter feed can be found @cornerstonecoc. This feed is for public announcements regarding the work here.

Instagram (@cornerstonechurchfamily)

Our Instagram feed can be found @cornerstonechurchfamily. This feed is for public announcements regarding the work here.

Day to Day Discussion Lists

Facebook Group: Cornerstone Family

For years we had an email discussion list. Over the last 3-4 years more and more people were not receiving posted messages from the list because of the prevalence of spam. We have replaced the mail list with the private, members only, group called Cornerstone Family on Facebook. Please see Matthew Allen to join. Here you can find out news/information for the congregation, list things you have for sale, or post items for discussion, etc. It's all private access, just for our members.

Cornerstone Family Group List on the CCOC App

This feature is now available for members who use our app. This is like a congregational group text where members can post updates, ask for prayer, ask questions, etc. To be a part of this, you will need to create an account with a username and password. Once you do, get with Matthew Allen or Cain Atkinson so they can add you to the group. 

Thank You!

We know this is a lot ... but as the congregation grows we must be as effective as possible in our communication. Thanks for your patience over the last few months as we've worked through a tremendous amount of change. As always, if you have any questions about our communication platforms, see me.

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Matthew Allen

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