Three Ways to Eliminate Bad Attitudes

What is the driving force that will determine whether or not you fail or succeed spiritually?
It’s your attitude. How do you approach your life?

Do you mostly see difficulty in every opportunity? Or, do you see an opportunity in every difficulty?

Your attitude determines the approach you take in your spiritual life. Some people never reach their full potential because of a poor outlook on life. There are several factors that create this. Regarding this, what does God’s word teach? What are three steps you can take to rid yourself of negative attitudes?

  1. Remember you are responsible for your view of life. God has filled your spiritual life with infinite potential. If you battle your past, remember Paul. He overcame his past and chose to do life from an optimistic viewpoint. He made it his life’s passion to lay hold of Jesus, Philippians 3.8-13. So must you. If your outlook on the present is not where it should be, remember it is possible to craft your attitude to fit every situation you face. Thomas Edison wrote, there is much more opportunity than there are people to see it.
  2. Remove yourself from negative people. People with bad attitudes tend to gather together. It is, in these corners of negativity, where improper thinking is reinforced. Other people do influence your thoughts. Who are you around more? Those who encourage you and are committed to moving forward in faith? Or, those who relish negativity and are paralyzed by weak faith? 
  3. Be patient with yourself. The bad habits you resist did not form overnight. You will not handle everything perfectly. You will experience setbacks along the way. What is the overall trend of your life? Is it moving toward God? And we all, ...are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit, 2 Corinthians 3.18. Remember, your faith is a journey - not a destination.

God has designed your spiritual life to be liberating. You have been freed from the weight of sin so you can lead a focused and purpose-filled life. An optimistic spirit is the natural result of a healthy relationship with Jesus. How strong is your relationship with Him?
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Matthew Allen


Chime Chidubem - February 28th, 2022 at 4:26am

That's so lovely, I pray that God will help me on through it

bonive - February 2nd, 2023 at 2:40am

I pray that God will help me to change my bad attitude.




