Build On: What are you made of?

Hi, everyone. Cain here. Since I’ve been given the privilege of writing the bulletin article for the Sunday before our quarter change I thought this would be an excellent time to advertise my new growth track series that’s coming up in the lecture hall starting Wednesday nights at 7.30 p.m. I figured people may wonder “what is a growth track anyway?” Well, wonder no further.

The “Made for More” growth track series will be a unique series of booklets that aid in having spiritually based conversations about our identity and faith in Jesus. Depending on where you are it has different benefits.

Established Christians, can come and be a part of a conversation that will be revitalizing, encouraging and refocusing. In addition to this, it will provide you some entry points in conversation for helping people in this culture to understand what our faith is built on—Jesus. If you like talking about Jesus and why we should follow Him, come take part.

Newer Christians, maybe you feel a little disengaged, unsure of your footing or maybe you could just use a jump start for your spiritual growth. In this lesson, we’re going to talk about a lot of things that are core to our faith. It’ll help you get grounded and learn how to express your faith.

Seekers or Visitors to Cornerstone, even if you’re not a Christian or a member at Cornerstone—if you want to know what we are all about and what makes us who we are, this will be a great class to attend. If you have questions about Christ or the church here, many of those will be answered through our growth track. I’ll put it simple—if you’re new, I’d encourage you to come.

It’s my goal that we’ll have some good conversation in this class about things that are very personal and precious. I want to see you there, and I’d encourage you to invite a friend who’s never been to our church to this so they can learn more about Christ and the work here at Cornerstone.

Cain Atkinson

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