When the Waves Come Crashing

It’s overwhelming sometimes. It’s like a tidal wave. Really. It is. What is “it?” Everything! We are living in a fallen world. Life is hard..and though we try to bring heaven to earth the best we can, we can’t escape the brokenness of the world that we’re in. The culture that seems to be sliding away from God. Economic fears. Uncertainty about the future. Personal insecurities in the form of self-doubt, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy. Relationship tensions. Our own past sins crawling on our back, making us squirm in our pews.

These are things we all face on a regular basis. This life can often times be a brutal struggle. All these things come crashing in like a tidal wave that threatens to buffet us, cause us to stumble or totally overwhelm us. As we stand on the shore and watch that massive wave threaten to swallow everything we’ve known, what will we do? 

Will we embrace our fate? “Woe is me this is the end.” Will we allow the battles we face every day to overcome us? Will we bury our heads in the sand and wait for the end? Will we go down without a fight? After all, how could we ever overcome such a flood of sin, doubt and dismay? These are real feelings. This is a real option, but is it the right option?

Christ by the pen of Paul tells us to “Stand firm in the faith…be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16.13) In other words, fight Christian. Fight. Bow your head in the sight of God, but don’t break under the pressure of the world. When you walk in the world, hold your head high, pull your shoulders back and don’t apologize for your faith no matter what. You are a son or daughter of the King of the Universe. 

The waves might come crashing in…but our God is a sea splitter. He walks on water. He calms the storm. He’ll rip oceans in half if he Has to—all to make a way for you. So don’t be afraid or discouraged today, this week or ever—always hold your head up, keep your eyes fixed on heaven and know that you’ll be given safe passage the whole way through. Blessings are coming.

Cain Atkinson

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