The Battlefield of the Heart

During July we’ve been talking about the need to go on offense and take the battle to Satan. We have not been called to tolerate, ignore, or cede large parts of our life to sin, we’ve been called to fight against it and eradicate it. Our mission is to advance. Our mission is to be transformed and share the news of Christ with others so they too can be transformed.

On Sunday, we will focus on the place where the battle is fought. It’s a place we can literally look at to see and feel the difference as our victories begin to mount. But for that to happen you must commit to guarding your heart. See Proverbs 4.23. Sin has to be defeated on the inside.

Each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desire, James 1.14. Please notice how James places the problem squarely on us. In fact, he says the problem is in us. Evil desires in us lead to sin, which leads to death. All sin begins in the heart. It is nurtured there. This is where sin must be dealt with. Sinful behavior results from sinful thinking in the heart.

If we are going to take the battle to Satan, we have to deal with sin on the inside. If we don’t, we’ll never stop it on the outside. Remember, your heart is the source of life, Proverbs 4.23b. Your life is defined by what is going on in your heart.

Sunday we will do three things:
  • Learn how sin works inside our heart.
  • Learn what not to do in combatting this.
  • Discover a 7-Step offensive plan that will lead us to victory.

As you prepare for worship on Sunday, please give consideration to these questions:
  1. What are some things you can do to stop conjuring up sins from your past?
  2. Will the keeping of laws ever have the power of changing a person’s heart?
  3. What is the promise found in James 4.7-8?
  4. What are some things you can do to load your mind with Scripture?
  5. How often do you pray to be protected from temptation?
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Matthew Allen

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