Sunday Preview: Before the Foundation of the World
by Matthew Allen on April 6th, 2024
To find oneself in Christ is to unlock a destiny set in motion before the stars hung in the sky. It's an invitation to a life transformed, a heart renewed, and a spirit awakened to God's eternal love.  Read More
Sunday Preview: The Resurrection and the Life
by Matthew Allen on March 29th, 2024
Jesus came to bring life in its most abundant form. Do we believe in Jesus, who claims to be the resurrection and the life? Will we reach out to Him in faith?   Read More
Delight in the Law of the Lord
by Matthew Allen on March 25th, 2024
Psalm 1 challenges us to evaluate the quality of our walk with God and avoid the perils of spiritual complacency. It implores us to deepen our understanding of Him, cultivate an awe of His presence, and experience His work in our lives. Here, we find a portrait of a blessed life intertwined with God.But how does one cultivate such a life?Psalm 1:1-2: Examining Our SurroundingsThe things we see and...  Read More
Sunday Preview: I'll Fly Away
by Matthew Allen on March 22nd, 2024
The climax of our hope, however, is anchored in the glorious return of Jesus, vividly described in 1 Thessalonians 4:15–17. His second coming, marked by celestial fanfare and divine majesty, promises the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of the living believers, ensuring our eternal presence with the Lord in the heavens.  Read More
Sunday Preview: Seeing This World As It Really Is
by Matthew Allen on March 15th, 2024
Life is busy. And because it is, it is astonishing how easily we become entangled in the temporary, often relegating the eternal to a secondary status. In 2 Peter 3:10, Peter reminds us that everything we know and accumulate will ultimately burn up. This begs the question: do we truly live as if we believe this? Matthew 6:19-21 challenges us to adopt a godly, eternal perspective, urging us to stor...  Read More
Sunday Preview: Abound in the Lord
by Matthew Allen on March 3rd, 2024
Never forget you operate from the position of victory, 1 Corinthians 15.57. This is the foundation upon which you build our efforts. Our endeavors in the Lord are meaningful and not in vain. Thus, serve the Lord with fervor, engaging your emotions and will, and fully commit to the path laid out for you.  Read More
Sunday Preview: Eternal Glory
by Matthew Allen on February 16th, 2024
The weight of glory, as described in 2 Corinthians 5.1-5, is the promise of a new, imperishable body—an eternal dwelling that surpasses our current mortal state. Paul's longing to be with Christ underscores the ultimate hope that awaits believers, whether in life or death.  Read More
Sunday Preview: Set Your Hope
by Matthew Allen on February 10th, 2024
Regardless of the storms that may loom on the horizon, we can stand firm in hope, bringing glory to God.   Read More
Love God with Everything You Are
by Matthew Allen on February 6th, 2024
While emotion may undoubtedly be involved, the most essential characteristics of this love are someone’s dedication and commitment. It is a love of action. It is a love of purpose and self-sacrifice. It is a whole-being response.  Read More
Acquitted: The Complete Forgiveness of Justification
by Matthew Allen on February 2nd, 2024
if you sometimes wrestle with doubts about your salvation or feel burdened by the weight of past mistakes, cling to the promise of Romans 8.1: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Read More
Sunday Preview: Comfort in Trouble
by Matthew Allen on January 26th, 2024
So why do bad things happen to good people? Drawing from biblical examples like Hezekiah, Job, and Paul, we discover the multifaceted purposes of trials - testing faith, weaning from worldly attachments, heightening heavenly hope, and revealing God's compassion in misery. These tribulations are opportunities to develop spiritual strength for greater usefulness in God's plan, Acts 20:24, Romans 5:3–4, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Psalm 63:3, and James 1:2.  Read More
Reflecting on God’s Blessings and Grace
by Matthew Allen on January 20th, 2024
When contemplating the broader aspects of our lives, we should see the workings of God's providence in many areas. We should give thanks, focusing on the positive and the good that has emerged rather than dwelling on weaknesses or challenges. The joy we feel for all that God has done is a testament to the transformative power of His providence and the depth of our gratitude.  Read More




