Love Each Other

Are you eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace? The holy pages of scripture show us a picture of Christians living in harmony, forsaking our opinions for the purpose of bringing greater glory to God. The New Testament church was comprised of zealots, government employees, Jews and Gentiles, you name it. Still they sold their possessions, forewent their rights for each other and went everywhere spreading the good news about the kingdom of God. I think we can agree that this is our ideal. I think we can all agree how needful it is that the gospel goes out to a broken world—the kingdom of Heaven is coming. That is why in our mission statement, we outline the ideal of biblical unity as a part of our identity at the Cornerstone Church. (

We are in unprecedented times right now. Fractures are deepening all over our culture. While many stand on the right or left, we know both of these grounds will eventually crumble—all kingdoms are temporary but one. We all hold different opinions and different priorities across a spectrum of ideas. It’s okay to make those known—but never to the detriment of unity. We are to stand on unshakable ground and place prime fidelity to the kingdom of Christ and the unity that is found under His banner.

Theoretical unity is easy. As long as we all meet under the same roof, sing the same words and listen to the same preacher…as long as we have similar beliefs on doctrine…we are unified in theory. Theoretical unity is what we have all heard preached so often. 

Real unity is found in the core of our souls and the depths of our hearts and it springs forth into our attitudes and actions towards one another, especially those of like-precious faith. I may believe I have it figured out… compared to them. The other side of the conversation. Will I turn my nose up at them? No. We are the body of Christ, and individually members of it. Let’s remember to act like it. Further, to those outside our worldview…let’s invite them to be a part of that unity in Christ. Let us not turn them away because they haven’t seen the truth about Jesus or because they hold a different worldview. When everything else is uncertain, we fly one banner—Christ and Him crucified and we can only do that if we have love. 

So love each other,

Cain Atkinson

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