He's a Second Chances God
Who needs a second chance? We all do. We all have mistakes, sore spots, bumps and bruises. So many of them are self inflicted. Life is no doubt full of joy, but it's also full of missteps. In one way or another and at some points in time, we've all turned away from God. Not one of us are perfectly holy. Our entire lives are a gift from God, but we don't always remember that. That's real.
So, how do we confront the fact that we have taken blessings from God and used them wrongly? What do we do when justice dictates that we shouldn't get a second chance? Should we let the fear of failure, the pain and the guilt crush us?
We should cry out for a second chance. Jesus is the promise that we'll get a chance to start over. Christ is our outstretched hand. He sees us in our imperfection and gives us a way into paradise. He's our second chances God.