Week 5 - The Parable of the Leaven

Mar 30, 2025    Matthew Allen, Justin Spargo

In Matthew 13:33, Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to leaven—a small, hidden force that transforms a massive batch of dough into something life-giving, offering a warm yet serious call to trust, hope, and purposeful living. While the Jews anticipated a visible, triumphant kingdom as foretold by Micah and Zechariah, Jesus introduced a mystery: a reign beginning within hearts, growing quietly despite evil’s presence, as He affirmed to Pilate (John 18:36–37). From a handful of disciples, this kingdom has spread globally, touching billions with compassion and truth (Matthew 24:14). We’re called to be leaven—carrying Christ’s internal presence (Galatians 2:20), acting as salt and light (Matthew 5:13–14), and holding fast to the promise of His ultimate reign (Revelation 11:15)—knowing our small efforts matter in God’s unstoppable plan.