Week 4 | The Holy Spirit and Jesus
As we have seen previously, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are co-equals with the Father. Separate personalities, they all possess an eternal nature, are all knowing; all-powerful; and all-present. In this lesson we will turn our focus to Jesus and the Spirit. As we focus on Jesus, we are assuming the traditional understanding of Him as having both a fully divine and fully human nature. The eternal, divine Logos became incarnate as the human person Jesus of Nazareth. As we think of the work of Jesus during His earthly ministry, it is easy to think the cause of His miracles and supernatural acts and wonders originated with Him. After all, He was God in the flesh and possessed the ability to heal the sick, raise the dead, walk on water, and order demons around.
In this lesson, we will see how the Holy Spirit equipped and strengthened Jesus Christ in His human nature throughout His ministry.