Lesson 10 - Walk by the Spirit

Nov 8, 2023    Matthew Allen

Christ's freedom calls us to a higher standard - one that

places spiritual wellbeing and righteousness at the forefront. Paul's emphasis on love serves as a reminder

that our actions and beliefs should stem from a place of genuine love. Whether it's in our relationships,

our workplace, or our community involvements, love should be the driving force behind our acts of

service. Freedom in Christ doesn’t mean we live without boundaries. We have a responsibility to live a

life that glorifies God, to love and serve others, and to constantly check our actions and intentions

against God’s word. It’s a reminder to not misuse our freedom as an excuse to indulge in the desires of

the flesh but to serve one another humbly in love. In this section, Paul will outline the moral responsibilities that come with living in Christ.