Week 8: Avoiding Distractions and Worldly Diversions

Oct 22, 2023    Matthew Allen, Kody Pritt

We find ourselves living in an age of unprecedented abundance and technological advancement. While these advancements have brought countless benefits and conveniences, they have also ushered in an era where people are encountering more spiritual distractions than ever before. These distractions can have a far-reaching impact on our lives as Christians. They not only hinder our relationship with God by creating barriers of noise and interference in our spiritual connection but also slow down our spiritual growth by diverting our time and energy away from the pursuit of deeper understanding and maturity in faith. Ultimately, distractions can divert us from our ultimate purpose as Christians, leading us astray from the path of righteousness and the fulfillment of the mission and calling that He has entrusted to us.

In this Bible class lesson, we will explore some of the distractions Christians encounter and discuss practical ways to avoid or overcome them.