Lesson 3 - Spiritual Family

Mar 24, 2024    Russ Robins, Dru McLaughin, Justin Spargo

Spiritually, when God adopts us, we go from total separation (foreigners and strangers) to the household of God. I love the imagery in Ephesians 2 where Paul says the Gentiles weren’t just invited to God’s house; they got a seat at God’s table (2:12-19). Through the work of Christ, God is bringing people together from every tribe, every nation, every language, and every culture and making them one. Paul likens this to a building being put together and growing into a holy temple in the Lord. In him, you are also being built together for God’s dwelling in the Spirit (2:21-22). Your coming into the body of Christ is not just about you – it is Christ and the new family of fellow believers you receive.