Time to Shine

We all had hoped 2020 would be the end of a succession of dark days, but 2021 has begun with a dark shadow of violence cast over it. The events at the capitol were unlike anything many of us have ever seen. Many, regardless of political affiliation are shaken deeply by the events that have taken place. It was a dark day.

Surely though Christ continues to reign and will reign forever and ever. His peace is greater than all these conflicts. He will see us through anything. Many of us have posted on social media, or seen other believers post things to this effect. It’s absolutely true. 

Still, it’s time for us to admit a few uncomfortable realities:

  • This world is not our home. We can’t build our lives on earthly comforts or expect to always sail through steady waters. “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6.21)
  • Our warfare is not about “physical kingdoms” or “flesh and blood.” (Ephesians 6.12)
  • To various degrees, many of us have been swept up in all of these “civilian affairs,” as Paul described to Timothy. (2 Timothy 2.4)

What can we do about this though as the church of the Son of God? What do we do going forward? What can we do?

  • Practice the spiritual disciplines. Get in the Word, regularly. Think on heavenly things. Pray hard. (Romans 10.17, Phillipians 4.8, James 5.16)
  • Let go of trying to persuade people to join political causes as an end, and first-and-foremost persuade people to know the Prince of Peace. Start seeing every connection in-person, in-home, at-work and online as an opportunity to share Jesus. (Matthew 28.20, Luke 19.10)
  • Deal with this broken world like a “good soldier of Jesus Christ,” and show his grace to all. (2 Timothy 2.4)

Satan will try to knock us off the path and turn our eyes down to earth, but now is not the time to hesitate. Now it’s time for us to do what we’ve been called to. It was a dark day on January 6, 2020. No denying it. It’s time for us to shine the light of Jesus into a world that needs him, not tomorrow—right now.

Cain Atkinson

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